Last workday

Now I'm sitting in St Pauls Bay again, at the internetcafe. I've done my last day today.

This weekend are we going out in Paceville. What's happening more, i've no idea about that. No time to write more either. Nice weather outside, about 15 degrees. This evening are we eventually going to watch a movie, My Bloody Valentine, on Empir3 Cinema in Bugibba.


It feels like it was a long time since I was here, but it wasn't.. I don't remember which day it was but..
What has happend?

I've been working this week, the same hotel as before. Le Meridien. It has been fun and I really like it. I eat lunch there at the hotel, very good. The problem is just that I don't know exactly what I eat, but as long as it taste good..

This day has been very nice. It was about 18 degrees in the shadow today, very sunny weather and not so much wind. We took a beachwalk earlier this day, in the morning when we woke up. From today are we five in the apartment. A spanish guty came today, he will be here for three months, and live in the same apartment like us. I've been to the supermarket with him and helped him and so on.

Thursday - Tuesday is it Carnival, so we were in Valetta yesterday, it was very nice weather and a lot of people.
At Friday were we in Mtarfa, they showed their Powerpoint about Arvidsjaur and we were listening about a lot of things.

I don't have time to write more, it will be later some day. This week is the last week I work, that's nice.


Dagarna har faktiskt borjat ga snabbare nu sen man borjade jobba. Borjar klockan nio imorgon. Blev ganska kort dag idag i och med att man sov se pass lange.

Igar var kul. Vi upptackte ater igen partylivet i Paceville. Ar ju som fler gator med bara krogar och nattklubbor, smaa och stora. Havana Club, Plush, Empire, Sky Club, Play, 121 Lounge och Brown. Det ar val bland de storsta. Finns aven na tiotal med mindre ocksa. Otroligt alltsa. Det ar flera tusen ungdomar ute i rorelse, se djuriskt mkt folk.

Det finns ju vissa saker som man speciellt langtar hem efter.
Familjen och vannerna forstos.
Men ocksa att fa sova i en riktig sang med tacke, kudde och allt det dar.
Dricka vanlig mjolk, juice och vatten fran kranen. Slippa kopa bestick, vattendunkar osv.
Langtar faktiskt ocksa efter sno och is. En riktig vinter.
Sen sa langtar man efter central heating, att man inte behover massa klader for att inte frysa ihjal da man sover.
Kan det vara typ 14-16 grader  kanske pa morgonen da de ar kallt ute?
Sen langtar man tillbaka till hogertrafik och till ett lugnare tempo i trafiken, och sa forstos efter att kora bil sjalv. Sen da att se pa normal tv, hora andra svenska roster an vara egna. Kan handa att svenska bussar kan vara sena och att man kanske upplever att dem kor galet ibland, men jag ska aldrig mer klaga pa en svensk buss eller chauffor ngt mer.

Vadret ar lite blasigt, inte sa jattekallt i luften, man behover jacka iallafall. Ar i Bugibba nu, dvs inte samma stad som vi bor i. Ar har med Emil, Jens och Gurra.

Finns hur som helst riktigt mycket att reflektera over som ar annars an i Sverige..

Ska jobba i veckan, formodligen 9-15 eller
Det positiva med att jobba ar att man har gratis lunch. Och 5 stjarnor pa ett hotell kan ju inte innebara dalig mat.
Scirocco Restaurant heter de forresten.


I've have start working today.
In the hotel, le Meridien.

I do like the job. I've met tourists today, parents  and children. I learn more english and I train my german. Can it be better?

I don't have so much time today to write. But a short resume.
Everybody is free this weekend, and the other three will start with the powerpoint about Arvidsjaur at Monday.

That's it. I will write more later. Have to go.
I think we will eat dinner out this evening, i do like that.



Yesterday during the day until evening we were in Paceville, play some bowling. That was quite fun :) Not so expensive. 29,95 euro / 3..
Under the evening were we and saw a movie at the cinema. Gustav and Jens are working, so it was just the four of us.
The Valkyria or something, don't know the spelling. A movie about the second world war. It wasn't bad, but nothing I would see more than once.

Today are we going to Valetta again. We spoke a few minutes with Roseann yesterday and she started to talk about that maybe we could make a PP (powepoint) and present 20th February for some man with big hats. 15.00 today are we going to meet her, after that we know more.

The wetter here is good. It could have been less wind. The sun is shining and it's a few clouds in the sky. It's warm, but as i said, it could have been less wind. I'm sitting here self in internetcafe. But I don't have so much more time.. so..


Now this is complicated.

But I can begin with this.
I'm sitting in Valetta with Mathias on a internetcafe.
We are here because we have talked with Roseann, the woman who fix our jobs. We haven's started work yet, and that's sad because it's boring to just sitting home all the days when the others are on their works.

But.. Roseann said, maybe we can work on the touristoffice, or in the Hotel (Le meridien) in the Spa or in the gym. But not in the restaurant. But that's 5 stars, so I think they expect a ot from us. We could work in the museum too or on Future focus with the Students from everywhere.
I don't know what I want. I want to learn about the tourism, and that;s hard to exactly definate what we've learn.

It was just four weeks theori.

ut we will meet Roseann at two o'clock again at Future Focus. But she has a strange english so she's hard to understand.

During this week, i feel that i've learned a lot, I've seen another country, not so big but a country as well. I and Mathias wrote 1,5 A4 with things we've seen and learned. So.. there's a lot. And it is differents beteween Malta and Sweden.

6 February

Today me and Mathias got the clothes for the work. Suits, tie, throusers and socks.
We were in St Julians, it's there we will work.  We were in Valetta today too, bought some clothes and some stuffs.
Met two British women, so so nice! No Maltese is nice of them we've met, it's just the tourists.

British people and German people is best. Italian people is noisy and a little bit strange. Some of them. I talked with to old women from Germany, they were very nice and they liked my german. They say I was good, I take it as a complimang. They couldn't speak some english, so it was quite good of them to go to a englishtalking country.

My english will be better, I'm so sure. Now I used to read everything in english or maltese, but i don't understand maltese of course. The tv is with english sound and Italian text, so maybe I will learn some italian.

Yesterday I met two people, a guy and a girl, the girl was from Smaland, with her boyfriend from Stockholm. I'm not scared for talking with new people, so that was very nice.  They told me a lot that I didn't knew. So, that's good. I saw them today, outside the bus. Malta is little.

Was ist mehr passiert?

We're free today from work, I think we will start a t monday. Like waiters. I hope I will learn how to do.

That was all. Now I will write this text in german.

It's easiest for me to write about the same in the two bloggs when I'm here in Malta.
That's sad, they miss the last letters in the ABC, ells I would write in swedish of course. I hope people can read this.

Tredje dagen?

It depends how I count.

Vadret ar bra. Det var cirka 14-17 grader i skuggan men det blaser en del ibland.
Jobbigt utan de sista bokstaverna i alfabetet, hoppas det gar att lasa.

Vi bor iallafall separat, fyra i en lagenhet och tva i den andra. Det suger egentligen, men det ar iallafall gangavstand till varandra  sa det fungerar val. Nu ar vi i ett internetcafe i St Pauls Bay, solen skiner utomhus, hur skont som helst.

Igar var vi pa en anstallningsintervju, det var ganska spannande men nervost. Ska nog jobba eventuellt pa ett fem-stjarnigt hotell i restaurangen, som servitorer, jag och mattias. De andra jobbar i en annan stad. Vi jobbar i St Julians, om det sager nagon nagonting.

Problemet ar att vi kan inte ett javla skit om hur det ar att servera. En sak ar saker, vi kommer att ha  javligt mkt reflektioner over allt nar vi kommer hem. Har har dem vanstertrafik och dem kor som... ja gud vet vad. Man far verkligen passa sig nar man gar over vagen.

Man kan val saga att vi hade lite otur da vi kom forsta kvallen och forsta dagen vi upplevde.. Men det tror jag ordnar upp sig anda, man vanjer sig val hoppas jag.

Jag skriver forhoppningsvis senare, har inte so mycket tid kvar har.

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