6 February

Today me and Mathias got the clothes for the work. Suits, tie, throusers and socks.
We were in St Julians, it's there we will work.  We were in Valetta today too, bought some clothes and some stuffs.
Met two British women, so so nice! No Maltese is nice of them we've met, it's just the tourists.

British people and German people is best. Italian people is noisy and a little bit strange. Some of them. I talked with to old women from Germany, they were very nice and they liked my german. They say I was good, I take it as a complimang. They couldn't speak some english, so it was quite good of them to go to a englishtalking country.

My english will be better, I'm so sure. Now I used to read everything in english or maltese, but i don't understand maltese of course. The tv is with english sound and Italian text, so maybe I will learn some italian.

Yesterday I met two people, a guy and a girl, the girl was from Smaland, with her boyfriend from Stockholm. I'm not scared for talking with new people, so that was very nice.  They told me a lot that I didn't knew. So, that's good. I saw them today, outside the bus. Malta is little.

Was ist mehr passiert?

We're free today from work, I think we will start a t monday. Like waiters. I hope I will learn how to do.

That was all. Now I will write this text in german.

It's easiest for me to write about the same in the two bloggs when I'm here in Malta.
That's sad, they miss the last letters in the ABC, ells I would write in swedish of course. I hope people can read this.


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